What is file sharing?

File sharing is the practice of distribution access to the media technologies. One of the most common example of file sharing program is Google Drive or Drop Box, where we store, share and sync documents, files, multimedia etc. File sharing is one of the easiest way to share files with others through internet. Nowadays, we use file sharing methods through internet which is replaced an old fashioned physical method. There are different ways of file sharing. We could use emails to share documents and files, however file sharing programs are much secured, safe and easy to use to share some important documents through internet. In this way, we can avoid risks and safely hold some important files online. File sharing can be private or public depending on the accessibility permissions. Common ways of distributing file online: File transfer protocol programs, peer-to-peer networks, removable storage media, online file sharing methods etc.

What is P2P file sharing?

P2P or peer-to-peer file sharing is highly decentralized online methods where we can create a network of linked users. P2P file sharing methods allow users to download files to their computers and make them available for other users to download from their computers. Peer-to-peer networking involves computer software to communicate without a central server. P2P services are being used not only for file sharing and storing, also for lending a money. It is one of the growing systems where peers would find less pressure borrowing from each other. Google is teming up with one of the largest P2P lenders investing $125 million in Lending Club where borrowers and investors get together outside the banking system (Kaufman). According to the article written by Wendy Kaufman, Google's move to invest on peer-to-peer lending reflects a growing interest of other major players in P2P lending. This service is much easier and convenient to borrow a money from investors than third players like banks.

What are some examples of P2P file sharing?

There are different examples of peer-to-peer file sharing services, such as Grokster, KaZaA, Gnutella, Morpheus and BearShare or instant messaging services like Skype. Most of these programs are free to download and install. It automatically configures yur computer to run the peer-to-peer software continuously whenever your computer is on. It provides your computer to unlimited file sharing and storing online.


Kaufman, Wendy. “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other.” NPR, NPR, 10 May 2013, https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2013/05/10/182651552/peers-find-less-pressure-borrowing-from-each-other.



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